Monday, June 18, 2007

topsy - turvy

Well, well, well.

To say that the weekend was interesting would not only be boring but also an understatement. In a nutshell, I had fun, laughed some, cried some, stressed myself, relaxed myself, bonded further with my family, and went on a date. I'm exhausted physically and emotionally.

And today I have to go back to work...which I'll just go ahead and say I don't want to do. But I'll soldier through, do the deed, and then I'm off again for a spell.

Cried, you ask? Yes, I cried. Disappointment stinks, and (please beware: hyperbole ahead) I feel like a little teeny tiny part of me went cold and hard over the weekend. It makes me feel older, and I don't like that.

Ok, enough krypticism. This week holds...

* work
* a party
* preparing for said party (no small task)
* a convocation of old friends, which is sure to revive the small part of me that went cold this weekend

Good times.

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