Friday, March 02, 2007


So many of you have written about my absence. Please accept my profoundest apologies. Truth be told, I've been extraordinarily busy. And that's all I'll say.

Well. My vacation began today, unofficially. It wasn't supposed to start until Monday, but I just decided that I didn't need to be a work today. It was not a problem for my partner-in-crime at work. Knowing that I don't have to do ANYTHING for work until over one week from now has already infused me with a sense of relaxation, with a side of "let's do the spring cleaning." Yes, ladies and gentlemen - I'm cleaning up my act. My goal is to de-clutter to the point that I can have a housekeeper come in by Wednesday to scrub the place down. Not that it needs such a drastic overhaul as I've implied, but for some reason today I am filled with the spirit of renovation, and I plan to milk it for all it's worth.

It's been a busy day at the office for the WBR's of the world (WBR = Wind Blown Reporter). Tornadoes struck our area last night and killed some folks, which is tragic. Also, a busfull of college baseball players fell off an overpass here in Atlanta, killing four players, the driver, and his wife. So sad. They were all asleep and then the next thing you know they flipped over the concrete wall and plunged into the traffic below. In the case of both tragedies, the reporters were on the spot instantly, dragging the victims through the emotional mud. We don't know exactly what happened to that bus, but we sure do know how those boys were feeling during the chaos. I'd like to watch the news, but these days I just wait until the day after the event in the hopes that the minutiae of bad journalism will come out in the wash.

In other news...well, I have no other news. The weather forecast for this weekend looks promising, and I plan to get out in it, see some friends and clean house. Good times.

1 comment:

RJ said...

Did you scrub the bathroom floor today? DID YOU?