Wednesday, January 24, 2007

hump day list

* So. Some brat pitches a fit on an AirTran flight, and airline officials wisely remove the family and ask them to take another flight. Now, the family is crying foul, going public with their "humiliation" so that other families can be made aware that "this sort of thing could happen to them." If there's a God in heaven, it will. REASON and RESPECT: 1. BEATRICE ELIZABETH: ZERO!!!

* Must make family time, stat.

* Had a wonderful meeting at work today that left me feeling appreciated. Love that...

* Had a brief fly-by visit from a dear friend last night. I'll take whatever time I can get. Bonus? Got to stay in a nifty new-ish hotel with him.

* Should I go to the gym? Yes. Should I clean my house? Yes. Should I stop blogging so I can do these things? Duh...

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