Wednesday, March 28, 2007

if there's one word...

...I could use to describe the Atlantaq gay nightlife scene, it's - TYPICAL.


It's official, I believe.

Not that any of you need me to confirm this notion. Nor am I the first to express it.

But My. God.

Atlanta's night live is d-e-a-d and this "drag show every night at the bars" thing has just got to stop.

I mean, the AJC just reported that there are about five MILLION people in the metro-Atlanta area. Now, I know that includes several outlying, wouldn't-wanna-live-there-no-matter-how-good-the-schools-are communities. But even so - you'd think there'd be enough boys OUT OF FIVE MILLION to support at least a STINKIN' LOCAL NEIGHBORHOOD BAR WHERE A GUY COULD GO JUST TO HAVE A DAMN DRINK WITH SOME BUDDIES ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT!!!!!!

And yes, I mean to yell.

I hate to go off on this kind of stuff, because it makes me sound like the TOQ (Tired Old Queen) that I swore I'd never become. But sheesh...we watched the drag event at Blake's this evening, and it was tired. No other word to explain it. Tired. Sad "performers," a boring crowd, an uninspired environment, and no real social anything going on in that place. Gross gross gross gross gross gross.

And that never was the case in recent years.

Halo previously pulsed. Any OTHER night of the week at Blake's you could find a few dozen locals who were lookin' to hang out with friends. Hell, even Red Chair could always be had for a laugh.

But no more. Halo is asleep, Blake's had fallen prey to the drag "community" (whatever that is) and Red Chair has closed in the threat of the property's redevelopment. WetBar alternates drag and dumb DJ's, Hoedown's now host Charlie Brown's Drag Cabaret 4 nights per week, and...well...the rest of the bars on the registry just don't appeal to me. Yes, I should broaden my horizons. Yes, I should be more open-minded. But I should NOT have to work so hard to just go out with some friends and have a drink at a gay bar without enduring the mind-numbing effects of this tired, sad, boring, drag thing.

And I LIKE drag, as I've previously noted.

And yes, I am a snob. I don't want to go out with the hairdressers from Warner Robins or Dacula who have come to town for a big weekend. I do not think that some boy with implants and a cheap dress, prancing around and demanding money for DOING NOTHING is a decent social option.

I also have NO interest in "circuit" events. I did that for about ten minutes, and couldn't abide it. It was like the ONE rush event I attended in college. I figured, "Ya can't knock it 'til ya try it." Well, I tried it and I'll knock it 'til the end of my days. That stuff is bullshit - both the circuit and the frat life. Bull. Shit.

And we're all young men - that's the problem. We're not stodgy or puritanical. We wanna have a good time, but the city has said no no no no NO. Whether it is from government intervention or popular demand, I'm not sure.

But you know what? I'm gonna get loud. I'm gonna make my own fun, and I'm gonna do it MY WAY. Because I know that I'm not the only one who feels this way. It's time to take back Atlanta, tell the guv'ment to Fuck OFF and goddamn start havin' a good time again...

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