...until I met a man who had no feet...
...and then I laughed...rrreally hard.
Ok, ok, ok, ok, ok, ok, ok....MESSAGE RECEIVED!
I'm sick of being sick. I'm tired of being tired.
My mom sent me some real, real cute photos that were taken recently. I'll spare you the details, but suffice it to say that I've since put down the ice cream, I'm layin' off the sauce, and I might just go to the gym tomorrow.
Great God almighty! Was I waiting for tonight's lunar eclipse to alter my consciousness to the point that I just finally fuckin' get up and do something about how weird I've been feeling lately? Jeez Louise!
Now, were I an armchair psychotherapist, I might review my posts on this forum and self-diagnose myself as a something called a "manic depressive." God, I hope that's not the case.
I prefer to just chalk it up to poor diet. Yeah...that's it. Crappy food.
I'm baaaaack...
Praise Jesus! Now let's get ready for that thing we call Spring! It's just around the corner....
You are such a pretty girl, if only...
Shut UP, Motherrrrrrrrrr....!
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