Thursday, July 26, 2007


I work in a job that I love, but don't make a lot of money. I left a lucrative career in sales to do something that stirs great passion in me. A reduction in salary was part of the compromise, and I accepted it willingly.

Now, for those of you who don't know me, lemme tell ya a little secret: I'm TERRIBLE with money. If I have ten dollars in my pocket, I'll spend it on drinks with friends. Savings? What's that? However, I've had to get a little better about it recently, and I'm fine with that. I've given up some things, and continue to make changes that benefit me financially.

However, the one thing that I will NOT sacrifice is my occasional employment of a housekeeper.

A couple of months ago, I called a housekeeper at the recommendation of a friend. I was having houseguests and a big party, and wanted my little place to sparkle. Something else that you might not know about me: I despise houswork of any kind, but always felt weird about having someone come into my home and clean it. I mean, I have an 843 square foot condo. I ought to be able to clean it, but I never do anything unless I feel a natural inclination towards the act, and I hate cleaning.

So. I hired this guy. Went out for a couple of hours, and came home to a sparkling, fragrant, perfectly cleaned home. The kind of clean you don't want to mess up. The kind of clean that makes me happy to welcome people into my home again. The kind of clean that even I can maintain.

I think that I can give up a nice dinner or two per month to have this kind of happiness.

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