I'm finding it difficult to match words to feelings these days. My time here in Provincetown has been rich and full and dense with experiences and sensations. It is as if I have this massive file in my head that I need to unzip before I can look at all the images in an organized way. My blog entries these days will have to serve solely as a repository for such thoughts, lest I forget something.
To that end... a list:
* Saw Varla's new show and laughed my ass off. "Victory Lap Dance." Most memorable quote: "I just don't get circus clowns. I mean, who would want to put on a crazy red wig, slap on some foolish makeup, and pretend to be someone they're not?"
* The Junior League came and went and we sure did have fun. I had particular fun pointing out the fact that their rental home was purposely set up for sex parties. They didn't believe me. I said, "Boys, there is huge room downstairs with nine futons, a wet bar, and an enormous flat screen TV. Do the math." Bless them.
* I've witnessed one "population changeover" in this town. The circuit boys left and a new crop of regular folks arrived. It's pretty cool to be the constant.
* I was invited to a "townie" event and felt like one of the gang.
* My mom and sister have been up to visit and we had a blast.
* The Pirate Cruise in the harbor is just about the cutest thing on the planet. This guy has rigged a motorboat to look like a pirate ship and he cruises around the harbor with children, who spend the time playing pirate. They even "attack" another pirate in another ship with water canons. I'm laying on the beach, minding my own business and all of a sudden I hear a crowd of little voices screaming, "AAAARGH!" Precious.
* The Provincetown Fourth of July Parade was a hoot. It lasted about twenty minutes and included four fire trucks, some veterans, a coupla drag queens, the town selectmen, a few businesses, and TWO - count 'em - TWO Fife and Drum Corps. Who knew there was such a demand for Fife and Drum instruction that there would be two corps?
* The fireworks over the harbor were amazing. The company was better.
* Grey Gardens continues to grow on me. I'll post pictures as soon I figure out how to use my camera.
* Kenny is here and I'm speechless at how much I cherish our friendship.
* Dad's coming up on Saturday and I'm glad to offer him an opportunity to get a way from the business of a family reunion and enjoy the beauties of PTown.
* Today's schedule: bike, beach, whale watch, dance. Just another day in paradise.
Oh, and something else has happened. It's wonderful and fun and nervous and joyful and I'm sorry but I just can't bring myself to put it into words. One day I will be able to do so, but that'll have to wait.
Baby steps...
you forgot the 2 drag queens in the parade! I mean, it's still Ptown!
Are you pregnant again?
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