The tide was JUST about to turn when I began my crossing, so the water was pretty high. It is a long but comfortable walk across the stones to the dunes at the very tip of Cape Cod. The picture below shows that the breakwater - in addition to providing a wonderful place for a picnic - does its job very well:
Love how calm it is on the marsh side, while still an busy, active bay on the other.
But the trip was worth it, because this is what awaits on the other side:
A calm, quiet, peaceful beach. No parties, no tents, no children...just a beautiful ocean that can only be described as glittering like a handful of sapphires.
I set up my little umbrella and towel, and headed for the ocean. After my swim, I planned to sit and read the rest of the novel I'm currently reading (Absolute Brightness, by James Lecesne). Unfortunately, I forgot about the greenheads: vicious, hideous little flies who sting like crazy in an a effort to get at your blood. For the most part they left me alone because I turned my t-shirt into a makeshift flyswatter. However, a few managed to get at me, so I killed a couple:
I left their little corpses on the sand nearby, as an example to other impertinent little greenheads who foolishly wished to partake of my blood.
I'll say this, however: between the schlep and the flies, it was worth it. I finished my book, schlepped back to town and hit the Lobstah Pot for a late luncheon.
Not a bad day, I'd say. Wish you were here (and you know who you are).
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