I had the extreme pleasure of seeing one Miss Dana Owens perform at Atlanta's Symphony Hall last night. Queen Latifah herself was eight feet from me and my sister (we were in the front row; our parents graciously let us have the good seats while they sat WAY back in the fifth row), and her powerful vocals stirred us to distraction. At one point, she came downstage to say "hello" to us, and shook our hands.
She was enchanting, and sang songs from just about every genre: gospel, soul, funk, jazz, and...to my great pleasure...Broadway. Her rendition of "I Know Where I've Been" from "Hairspray" was breathtaking. Better than that, however, was her introduction to the song, when she sincerely thanked everyone for their support of the film. I felt like I was watching a friend perform beloved songs, and that's a rare and beautiful talent.
Afterwards, there was some funny business in the lobby. My sister agreed to take a photo with ten of us gay boys, and made the comment that she'd be the "token girl in the picture." Out of nowhere, some total stranger walked up and inserted herself into the shot. Apparently, she thought that my sister's comment was made out of the exasperation of being the only lesbian lady in the photo, and wanted to help out a sistah. It was weird and interesting and funny. After a few moments, the lady (who was with her partner of 13 years, by the way) asked if my sister was "family." My sister graciously said that she wasn't but that I was, and that "we" all were - "we" being my mother, father, sister, and I.
Like a great philosopher once said, "Music...makes the people...come together."
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