Wednesday, October 03, 2007


* The AJC reported that Stone Mountain Park had plans to use over ONE MILLION GALLONS of municipal water to create a snowy attraction. They wanted the municipal water because it is treated and would create pure white snow, as opposed to lake water, which would yield brownish-green snow. North Georgia is in an insane drought. Stone Mountain ceased the effort when just about everyone in the state cried foul - loudly. Wise choice.

* A couple in the metro-Atlanta area is facing twenty counts (apiece!) of animal cruelty. Their home was raided when neighbors complained of the smell; inspectors found dead animals, dozens of mistreated living ones, and INCHES of waste on the floor - both animal and human. Neighbors described them as "animal lovers." My. GOD.

* In othe news, I'm still good on my regimen: up early, good food, limited drinking, etc. This is something of a record for me, one I wish to bread again.

* Plans are formulating: PTown Labor Day 2008 (!) and New Year's in....(drumroll)...Los Angeles, after Christmas in Ft. Lauderdale!

* I'm shopping for a new/used car. Any suggestions?

* Atlanta still wants to ban baggy pants. Some folks are crying "racist." I just call it "damn ugly."

* Must. Clean. Home.

* I miss my Johns.

1 comment:

Flippnyc said...

awww. Same here.