Weekend List, OSW-style...
* I developed a totally unpredictable crush on a totally interesting looking guy who has that east-villagey-geek style working for him despite the fact that he's from Nashville. I asked him what he does, and he said, "Well, I bake and work on projects and read a lot. I'm one of those people who just craves information; I'm always reading. I travel and do stuff and cook. Oh...and I can knit, too." What? And he even remembered me from, like...6 years ago, a single meeting, in a place I've been twice in my life. Well.
* I made an open confession to someone I've had a crush on for some time. I said something like, "I just hafta say...and this ain't the liquor talkin' (gesture to empty glass)...but...you are the only man I've ever met who gets more handsome every time I see him." I ain't lyin'. He blushed and smiled and blah blah blah. Then, he turned to me and said,
"Tell me something: what's gotten in the way of us getting together?"
I was beside myself for a split second, and I must admit that I'm proud of the composure I was able to muster. I looked right at his perfect, gorgeous face and said, "Because you still have a lot of growing up to do." He laughed sheepishly in agreement...I think.
* Watched "High School Musical: 2" with a friend, in an effort to create some cherished memories before he moves to another city. Honestly, the movie was pretty much, like, the Best Movie I've Ever Seen..totally.
* Had a wondrous "Ladies Who Lunch" dinner with the OSW, at Wisteria. I gotta get that place back on my radar. The green tomato gazpacho with feta was quite remarkable, as was my salmon over lettuce, onions, and cucumbers. The OSW and I began to toss around some ideas for our next show, which is always fun. Endured the ridiculously loud cell phone chatter of two girls sitting next to us: over-dressed, over-styled, both of them squawking into their phones. I mean, why even go out?
* Worked a lot, which was a delight. I'm serious.
* Little John's Farewell Tour 2007 made perhaps it's best stop on Thursday, at Halo. Just like the old days. I could talk for days about that crowd: handsome, creative, interesting, and madly humorous. It's no surprise that such a group gathered, given the guest of honor.
* Had a sinful lunch with three queens who just can't stop laughing. One week from now we'll repeat the performance at The Lobstah Pot in P'Town.
* Dinner at the Ponderosa with my mom and dad (sister's out of town).
* Oh...and...(drumroll)...it finally fuckin' rained. A lot. The temp is now about 73 degrees, and everything already looks greener. You can actually hear the earth sighing in relief.